Monday, 30 June 2008

See u in Jan 09 Qiuyi...

Qiuyi will be going to NZ for exchange programme...
she is the only girl in her school to be selected...
Wow... i'm really so happy for her... she is so smart... wonder what i ever did to have such a smart friend... haha... and the thing abt her, is that she doesn't carry any airs... she is just nice and sweet... Really bless to know her... and she is so brave... she is going there alone... she makes me want to be as brave... keke...
And she is like me... a foodie... keke... i'll really miss the treats and adventures that we have together... :)

Come back soon girl... i'll miss u...

We went out on sunday for a farewell lunch for her at "Tonkichi" really great food... value for money... check it out... :)

For more photos... Click Here...

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Long Birthday for Eric...

We had a birthday celebration for Eric during Cell this week... :)

That was after we nag at him to loss weight... big time... :p

But we love him la... he knows it... :)

Oh... The cake, was fantastic... Belgium Chocolate cake... from Prima Deli... the were biscuit bits too... and you know la... i'm not a fan of cakes... but this was good... :)

More Photos...

Happy Birthday Eric...

Went out with Eric on Sunday to celebrate his birthday...
which was 20 days late... :p

Well, we brought him to Excelsior Hotel, Dim sum Buffet after service on Sunday...
Huh... wish we did better... the food wasn't really great... nice... but not great.. and the service... very bad... We even witness the waitress/manager quarelling with the customer... this is the first time in my life, i witness a waitress/manager shouting back at customers... the customer was so mad, him and his whole family left without paying in the end... and the police came... anyway, really hope he had a good birthday still... sorry bro...

But on a better note, we gave Eric his present yesterday... 26 days late... haha... we bought him a Wii controller... :) we wanted to surprise him... but he kept guessing... end up, he managed to guess. huh... no fun... we went to his place and played... with cheese fries... till 1 am... haha... then we went home... knocked out... :p

But anyway, some pics of our lunch at the hotel... the food is not bad... really... :) just that the service, :(

To view more photos...

Friday, 27 June 2008

Art... Art... Art...

Today me and Ber decided to just go walk and take photos with my new Camera... Haha...
It's a EX-Z80 - Casio Brand... Not bad... i bought from PC Show 2 weeks ago for $345.

Anyway ya... we were walking and i just took photos of stuff, from lights to scenery... But i mainly took picture of art pieces around us that we tend to take for granted and miss out on them, or we fail to notice them...

My first time at Clark Quay... Share with you some of the shots i took... enjoy the artistic sight of Singapore... :)

I wasn't really hungry... had a big lunch... so we ate Ya Kun ... I love the french toast set... a bit not worth the money... but i guess once in a while, it's okie to spoilt yourself... :)

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Royal Rangers commencing in 2 Weeks...

Yipee!!! Royal Ranger is commencing in 2 weeks... I know i should feel excited and all. But i'm tired i guess... It's like running a marathon... and the thought of not being able to attend service for 2 mths...

But, well, i believe that i will be ministered by the Expedition rangers as well, to be able to fellowship with them and share God's words with them. and also on the bright side, Eric will be uploading the sermons online... so i can go download them to listen... :)

Today, Pastor also preach abt John 13: 31 - 36... He was actually preaching about loving your neighbour, but i actually felt God speaking to me in a diff direction.
About where my focus lies.


31When he was gone, Jesus said, "Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in him. 32If God is glorified in him,[c] God will glorify the Son in himself, and will glorify him at once.
33"My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come.

34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

36Simon Peter asked him, "Lord, where are you going?"


Jesus main point was not about him going, but the new commandment, to love one another. Yet, many times, we focus on the wrong things like Peter.

For me, this wrong thing, is that we get caught up with doing the work of God, we forget the main focus is God. Your love for him, your time spend with him, you being fed by Him (His words).

For me personally, I felt kinda sad at that moment. I know this is something that God has been speaking to me about, to come to his feet and listen to Him, to be a "mary". Not a "martha" ( Luke 10:38-42). Today, i was talking to Bernard about this, feeling tired of serving, wishing to come and just fellowship, play games with the youth and listen to sermons too. But i guess, we have to be "martha", so that more people can come and be "mary". There must be some who wouldn't mind sacrificing to do the work, so that more can come and be comfortable and listen to the gospel.

We too, were once the younger ones, and had big bro and sis being "martha" for us, so that we could be fed and grow like "mary". Now that we are older, we have to learn to fill this shoes and become "martha" for the younger ones to be fed like "mary" was... Is this self sacrificing, if you ask me, i'll say no. I'm just serving God in another way. I'm both "Martha" and "Mary". learning to balance both, serving God and listening to His words. Multi-tasking. We're all not good at it, but we must learn. Learn to do the right things, at the right time. That's what Bill always told me... :)

Sometimes, i feel me and ber's relationship is very strain by the ministry, we serve in almost all the same minstry and it can get fraustrating and tiring. sometimes, we will even bicker because we have very diff points of view. But i guess we're dealling with it better as we work more and more together, we give and take. No one is right nor wrong, we just have to see from each others point of view and understand each other more. I have to be more calm in confusing situation and flow... (which i'm not very good at) and he has got to be more clear... :) we were discussing about the church camp, pros and cons... hopefully, next year, we'll work better together... :)

Happy Birthday Qiuyi...

Happy Birthday Qiuyi... I brought Qiuyi to this Reatraunt is called "Creation"
It's run by a Christian, at Shaw Tower.
I really love their pasta... great...
Looks little, but really filling, really nice... tender and sweet... :) I especially liked what Eric ate. He had the Thai special... yummy... makes me wanna go eat now... :)