Friday, 26 October 2007

Cheers... to only leaving once and taking chances

Don't know why, just suddenly decided i would like to restart writing my blog again. MAybe cause I've been thinking alot lately... And if something were to happen to me, or as i get older, i would like to look back and see what I've achieve, something to be remembered by, Somewhere i can just write my feelings... :)

Don't need or want any comments from anyone... don't think it's necessary... if everyday, it's 0 comments, i also okie... i used to think it was impt that someone reads, but actually, it's just a place for me to pour my feeling... won't be telling anyone abt this blog (likely)... :)

I guess in life, you only live once... You are only 12 yrs old once, you're only 21 once. Currently, I'm 23 already. Really wish i could do something useful with my life. I don't want to waste my time anymore. I've wasted enough... really wish to do something i like, something that i can say, i've live my life to the fullest. I like my job... i can do it well... But i really want more... more excitment, more charm in it... It''s a great job to have if i was married. But i'm not... Still single and lots of time to spare...

Lord, help me find a job i would love and feel totally used in the job and not like i'm wasting my youth in it? Let your will be done... :)