Feel like this entire year, has been a decision making year.. and even though the year is about to end, there are still more decisions to make... huh...
I've already decided to not to go into full time for the church and mission... why? Cause i think i'm not ready... I'm very scare... I think i'm not strong enough to withstand all the politics and rubbish that goes on... I'm afraid that i'll end up more hurt and disappointed then i already am... I've thought hard and long before i came to this decision... Trust me... Lots of time of prayer and time has been spend into it...
I've also decided not to pursue my dreams on becoming an air-stewardess... Even though the chances of getting in were high, I've let it go... I want to serve the kids... That's where my passion is in... the kids... the youth... and i believe, this is where God wants me to be... After i made this decison, it's like peace just rush into my heart... Thank you Lord...
Now 2 new decisions need to be made...
1) Should I quit and go and study? I want to study Psychology... To contribute and help the kids and youths of today, to become a counsellor... That's what i want to do... I'm really sick of my job... Even if i don't study, i've decided i want to quit... enough is enough... I can't take the bickering, the gossipping, the back stabbing, the rubbish... huh... i know everywhere else is the same... huh... I will only miss one thing from quitting here, is Meldred... I'll miss having lunch with her, i shoulder to cry on, the plants we have planted, the great relationship we have working together... it'll get lonely if either of us leaves... :(
2) Should I or should I not join the Mission's committee?
Pastor has asked... but i really don't know... :(
Cantonese version, "hei mong yu gou, sai mong yu tai"
I feel that sometimes not knowing, is a bliss...