This year, me and Ber when ahead of the team to go visit Pastor Dennis in Tachloban first... :)
Really really happy to go meet them, to see their ministry growing and growing everyday. I heard from them, that the previous time, we came, we went up to the village to help in the work there, to paint the school, to help repair the building... Today, this church has grown, and is now a 100 people in strength... really praise God... All glory goes to him... :)
Really happy to see them too... Daniel also very big liao... getting big and clever... Currently, his fav. show is "Ben 10". Haha... And he is super energetic... :) keke... see below video... so cute... Pray that he woulf grow to be a real Big and strong warrior for God. Pastor Dennis and Sister Daisy are also really great... healthy and still as strong in the Lord, showing a great example to Daniel in their Faith. Take example an event that happen when we were there, there was a sudden black out all over the town. No light. we had to eat in the dark in the restraunt. We prayed and prayed for the lights to be back, as we had work to do and it was quite late already, to bathe and stuff, we needed light. In the car, i prayed, "Lord, let the light be back by the time we reach home" Pastor Denise said, "I claim that, in Jesus name" Guess what happen, when we reach the stair case up to the apartment, it was still black out... very dark, we couldn't see the light. But once we reach the door, and Pastor dennis open the door, PRAISE GOD, the lights were back on... It was really a miricle... Don't know why, but i feel to exercise Faith in other countries is so much easier, like God is more apparent there... of course not, God is the same everywhere... :)... I guess can only say, when we go for mission trips, we have higher expectation and more faith in what God can do... :)
My room at Pastor Dennis house... Thanks for letting us stay with u... :)
We went to the beach for Pastor's dennis church baptism...