Friday 11 July 2008

So you think you can dance... choreographers

I was watching "so you think you can dance season 3" (on channel 5 at 7.30pm on mondays in case you wanna watch)

Just thinking that all this dance... even on MTV, very seldom they mention about the choreographer, but they are indeed the geniuses behind the amazing mtv and dances that we love...

so in this entry, decided to honor them...
I wanna especially mention 4 choreographers that i love and always love forward to wat they have in store for the dancers of SYTYCD.

Wade Robson
Wow... this guy, is a genius... really... he is top notch... just look at the pieces that he choreographs? if he comes to s'pore, i wanna go watch him... so cool... man...

Okie... second, Tyce Diorio, i like the things he come up with passionate... with lots of feel... :)

this one the comments wasn't really good, but i still liked the movement of it all... :)

Thirdly, Shane Sparks... He is an expert if i can say in hip hop... and he is really good... i don't know how many hip hop choreographers are there in the world, but he is mt fav.

finally, Mia Michaels... if you have heard her name, need i say more? she is awesome... her comtemporary drives me into a fantasy world that seems perfect... have a look...