Tuesday 6 November 2007

Waiting... Waiting... Waiting...

Currently... What on my TV is....

"Take my words for it" keke... very nice... really like Zhang Chilam

Now... Waiting Waiting Waiting... Waiting to go HK...
Can't find this few shows on Yahoo Auctions...
Actually got... but i very picky...
must have cantonese and Chinese version
(So that me and ber can both watch and so that i can learn Cantonese... keke... )
Then also must have English Subtitle and also must be vcd version...
(I bought "Heart of Greed" dvd... some of the disc cannpt be played on the dvd player... only can play on computer... huh...) Most impt, it must be Original...

1) War of the In laws 2007

2) Dicey Business

3) War and Destiny

22 December... Hurry come pls....